Please STOP This Dumb Exercise!
January 29, 2025The dreaded dumbbell side bend. I hate this ab exercise. In fact, not only is it often misperformed by using a dumbbell in each hand or by leaning forward rather than strictly to the side and for a very limited range of motion, but it just isn’t the optimal way to train your lateral pillar strength. This can easily be done better with a side plank lift. When you drop the hips you are actually mirroring the same motion as in the side bend but with more control and stability without the excessive loading of the dumbbell.
Remember, you can’t spot reduce body fat, especially with an exercise. Doing all the side bends in the world won’t reduce your love handles. In fact, it all comes down to diet when you want to lower body fat and lose those pesky love handles once and for all.
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Jeff Cavaliere MSPT, CSCS served as both the head physical therapist and assistant strength coach for the New York Mets. Jeff earned his Masters of Physical Therapy and Bachelor’s of Physioneurobiology from the College of Health Sciences University of Connecticut Storrs. He is a certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).