How to Get Lean From ANY Body Fat Level
January 4, 2025The best way for you to use this video is to identify the body fat percentage bracket where you are right now. You will also want to see where dropping down into the next lower bracket. Also, you will want to watch the bracket immediately above you too. This will be your long term goal.
With that said, we start at the top, in the upper 30 percent bf percentage. Without knowing the specific individual it is possible to make some generalized assessments of what may be contributing to their higher body fat levels. They likely are not physically active, or if so, are not doing it with any consistency or with enough effort to cause a change. They likely also eat and drink whatever they want, when they want.
Now, to get lean, you can’t make the desirable body fat level your immediate goal. Instead, I want you to look at the very next bracket and make that your immediate goal. Doing this will ensure success as you make your way from a high body fat percentage to the lowest percentage you want to achieve.
For more tips on how to get lean, be sure to stay tuned to this channel and remember to subscribe so you never miss another video from a physical therapist with a pro sports background as a PT and strength coach.
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