October 16, 2024Here is a morning routine that you can use that will take just 2 minutes and 30 seconds for you to do that is going to help improve posture, mobility, grip and core strength. It does not matter whether you have a workout planned for the day or not, you are going to want to do this every single morning. If you stay consistent with this, you will also have a way to determine whether or not your workouts are causing more systemic fatigue and whether you need to add a rest day in between your workout days for more recovery.
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The first thing I advise upon waking is to drink 20-30 ounces of water. If you are not getting up in the middle of the night to drink water you are definitely likely to wake up deydrated in the morning. Research shows that even a 1 percent decline in body hydration levels can impair mental and cognitive function by as much as 5 percent.
If you ever complain of brain fog or an inability to stay focused at work then it is very likely that you may be in some state of dehydration. This gets even worse if the only beverages you consume in the morning are multiple cups of coffee.
It is so common for us to go halfway through our days before we even think about drinking water. Not only again is this going to impair your mental state but it is defintely going to provide an insufficient muscular environment that is conducive to hypetrophy and muscle growth.
From here I want you to focus on two seperate one minute drills. They both will occur on a doorway pullup bar. I believe that it is very important for you to keep the pullup bar in your closet or bathroom doorway since you will have no excuses not to do what I’m showing you and have a much better chance of remaining consistent with the movements each day since you will be walking into the bathroom every day anyway.
The first move is to simply perform a dead arm hang for 60 seconds.
Unlike a typical arm hang however, here I want you to keep the focus on spinal decompression especially in the lower back. The way to do this will be to be sure to drop your weight downwards as you hang but make sure to keep your feet in contact with the ground. With the toes touching the floor lightly, you will be able to support the weight of the upper body just enough so that you aren’t relying on your core completely to perform the movement.
If you want to get spinal decompression and traction then you will have to be able to relax the torso. This can come and only come when you are still maintaining some support by keeping the toes lightly touching the ground. Hang for 1 minute and allow the pelvis to feel as if it is sinking down and away from the spine. This will help anyone that has existing low back pain and even help prevent back pain from setting in for those that don’t experience it now.
After a brief rest to shake out your arms you will want to hang one more time for 1 minute except this time you are going to lift the legs up out in front of you. Here the goal is to turn the focus towards the abs and work on developing core and grip strength. Some people may struggle to hold for a full minute. If this is you, you can break up the time into smaller segments and rest pause your way to the full 60 seconds of hold time.
If you happen to have a bathroom scale there is one other thing you can do in your bathroom every morning that can help you gauge your recovery from your workouts. If you have an old non-digital scale you will want to pick it up, hold it at arms length with both hands and squeeze as hard as you can to register a grip strength number.
Whatever this number is, be sure to note it and take an average of the number over the next 5 days. Once you have your average number you will want to use it as a reference for subsequent morning grip strength tests. If you see a drop in greater than 10 percent of your baseline, it is important to look deeper to assess the signs of overtraining or under recovery.
Remember, this morning routine is something you should do every morning in order to feel better, feel younger and move more easily. Not to mention, this will help you to strengthen a weak core and grip to better prepare you for what life is going to throw your way that day.
And there you have it. That is a simple routine that you can do every single morning regardless of whether you have a workout planned for that day or not.
If you are looking for a complete workout and diet routine that you can follow to get ripped abs and athletic muscle year round, then head to http://athleanx.com and get the ATHLEAN-X Training System via the link above.
For more videos on how to improve your posture in 3 steps and the best way to get ripped abs be sure to subscribe to our channel via the link above as well and remember to turn on your notifications so you never miss a new video when it’s released.