5 Stretches That Instantly “UNDO” Sitting (FEEL AMAZING!)

5 Stretches That Instantly “UNDO” Sitting (FEEL AMAZING!)

February 13, 2025 0 By FitnessTips

If you sit for any prolonged period of time, whether that’s in the office, on an airplane, or in the car; then you need to do these 5 stretches to instantly undo sitting and feel amazing in the process. In this video, I am going to show you a quick stretching routine that you can do all at the same time, or break it up throughout the day, in order to combat the effects of sitting for extended periods of time.

When you sit for a long time throughout the day, you will notice a few things start to get tight or underachieve. This includes the glutes, hamstrings, hip flexors, lower back, and thoracic spine amongst other areas of the body.

In order to feel amazing, you are going to have to activate certain areas and stretch others. The 5 moves I am going to show you in this video will target these areas and unlock any tightness and activate dormant muscles and joints.

I like to call this stretch routine a simple 3×5. What that means is that you will be doing 3 repetitions for 5 seconds each.

The first stretch up in this stretching routine is a simple chair twist. Put your hands behind your head rotate your upper body to one side and reach for the ceiling with the opposite elbow and your chest. This will not only promote thoracic rotation, but will stretch out your lats and the muscles that run down your ribcage. These muscles are likely tight due to the common way we sit and have our arms in front of us.

So, following that 3×5 mentality, you will hold this rotated position for 5 seconds and return to the starting position before repeating two more times. Once you finish all 3 repetitions, perform the same stretch but rotating to the other side.

Next up is the seated pretzel. Our sitting position will also cause tightness in the hips and the low back. In order to stretch these areas out, simply cross one leg over the other, post one arm into the inside of your knee to push your crossed leg down further and reach forward and towards the ground in front of you. Hold this stretch for 5 seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat 2 more times on this leg before doing the same thing with the other leg in order to stretch out both sides.

The third move up in this stretching routine to undo sitting is the wall slide. Simply stand up with your back against a wall, with your elbows bent at 90 degrees and the back of your hands and forearms against he wall. Simply slide your hands up the wall for 5 seconds, reaching as high as you can before returning to the start position. Again, do this 3 times. This will promote external rotation of the shoulders which will undo the internal rotation caused by our sitting position, likely due to having our arms in front of us typing on a keyboard.

The next stretch you will want to do will promote glute activation and stretch the hamstrings at the same time. Our bent knee position while sitting will cause tightness in the hamstrings, especially close to the knee joint. Sitting will also cause the glutes to be inactive, which isn’t good, because that can lead to low back pain and weakness.

Simply place your palms on the wall in front of you, with your legs extended back behind you. Bring one leg up towards the wall with your knee bent and hold this position for 5 seconds. Then, extend the same leg back behind you in the air and hold for 5 seconds. This motion will not only activate the glutes, but stretch the hamstrings as well. Do this for 3 repetitions and then repeat on the opposite side.

The last stretch in this stretching routine to combat the side effects of sitting will help to stretch the hip flexors. This area gets very tight when sitting due them being in a shortened position all day long. Simply get into a lunge position with the leg you are trying to stretch opposite the wall. Then, with one hand against the wall for balance, reach with the opposite arm up in the air and towards the wall. This will get a deeper stretch on those tight hip flexors.

Perform this stretch for 5 seconds on each repetition 3 times on each leg.

I promise that if you follow this stretch routine, you will not only start to undo the effects of sitting all day, but you will be feeling amazing and loose afterwards.

Undo Sitting Here – https://athleanx.com/x/undo-sitting
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For more home stretching routines and the best stretches for your hips, back and shoulders be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube via the link above and remember to turn on your notifications so you never miss a new video when it’s published.