Gentle Morning Stretch Routine

Gentle Morning Stretch Routine

February 11, 2025 0 By FitnessTips

These stretches will help to relieve tension in your head, neck, shoulders, back and legs. Try to focus on maintaining good posture when doing these. Gentle stretching exercises for flexibility, increased mobility and vitality!

0:00 Lying Twist
0:43 Bent Knee Lying Stretch
1:23 Lying Calf Stretch
2:04 Puppy Pose
2:44 Thread the Needle Pose
3:25 Cat-Cow Stretch
4:05 Rocking Frog Stretch
4:46 Kneeling Back Rotation Stretch R
5:26 Kneeling Back Rotation Stretch L
6:07 Bent Leg Circle Kick (kneeling)
6:48 Alternate Wide Side Adduction
7:27 Sitting Figure Four Rock R
8:08 Sitting Figure Four Rock L
8:48 Seated Shoulder Flexor

#stretching #exercises #flexibility #mobility