The PERFECT Leg Workout (Backed by Science)

The PERFECT Leg Workout (Backed by Science)

February 6, 2025 0 By FitnessTips

With the return of the perfect workout series, I am updating the perfect leg workout to give you the best leg workout you can do. The biggest difference is that I am giving you not just one, but two perfect leg workouts for you to try that are not just randomly thrown together, but are based on science.

While this perfect leg workout is based on science, that doesn’t mean it is simply married to the latest research fad that everyone is jumping behind and throwing all other techniques out the window. Instead, it’s going to be based on anatomy, biomechanics, as well as some of the newer research.

Now, the perfect leg workout based on science should consist of exercises not just for the quads and the hamstrings but other important muscles of the legs as well. That said, even that doesn’t make the leg workout complete. In order to round out your legs with a well rounded, perfect workout, you need to fill in the gaps of what is lacking on those popular leg exercises and put science in your training.

The perfect leg workout needs to take into account the use of the lower back as compound leg exercises often will aggravate it if the workout is not designed properly. So, the compound leg exercises will be complimentary in hitting all muscles of the legs, but also keeping the low back in check as well.

We also know, thanks to science, that hitting the legs twice in a week is going to be better than once a week, which means we can include more opportunities for different ways to hit the quads, glutes, and hamstrings as well as shortening the workouts so that you can attack another muscle group in the same day.

So what does the perfect leg workout look like?

Perfect Leg Workout 1:

Reverse Hyper: 1-2 x 10-15 (sub max)

– This is to warm up the low back and glutes, as they will be key contributors to both posterior and anterior leg work.
– Make sure that this is extremely sub max effort. You do not want to be fatiguing your muscles by the end of the exercise.

Deadlifts / Trap Bar Deadlifts: 3 x 5 @ 80%

– Do not take this exercise to failure. Perform 3 sets of 5 reps and increase by 5 lbs next workout. Repeat at the same weight if 3 sets of 5 cannot be completed.
– If you have an orthopedic issue, namely the lower back, that prevents you from deadlifting safely, then opt to use a trap bar deadlift instead.

Barbell Front Squats: 2-3 x 6-8

– Keep as upright at possible and direct as much tension into the quads as you can.
– This exercise allows for a greater form of tension overload on the quads while protecting the low back in the process.

Alternating DB Reverse Lunges: 2-3 x 10 each leg

– This is an exercise where failure can be achieved conveniently and safely. Simply drop the dumbbells when you reach failure as opposed to having to strip a barbell and replace the weights.

Seated Hamstring Curls / Slick Floor Bridge Curls: 1 x 12-15 / F + Eccentric Only Reps

– Once you reach failure, perform eccentric only reps in the form of 2-down-1-up reps for the seated hamstring curl, or walk your legs in, bridge up, and slide your legs eccentrically on the slick floor bridge curl (depending on equipment availability)

Standing Calf Raises: 2-3 x 10-12 + Partial Reps

– Hold 4 seconds in the contracted position and hold 4 seconds in the stretched position on each rep.
– Once you reach failure, eek out a few partial repetitions in the stretched position until you reach failure again.

Watch the video for the second perfect leg workout as it will round out the training you will need to do to completely hit the muscles of the legs over the course of the week and reach the ideal amount of frequency / volume.

Here are the relevant studies used to build this perfect leg workout:

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